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mx id: 494 | OBO id: HAO:0000539 | URI: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/HAO_0000539
mesepimeron synonyms: epimeron mesothoracale, epimeron of mesopleuron, mesepimerum, mesopostpleuron
Defined (both definition and relationships must be met)
The epimeron that is located on the mesopleuron.
written by: Miko, I. 2009. -2019 Curator. Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology.

Relationships / properties:
The mesepimeron is a epimeron.
The mesepimeron is part of the cuticle. The mesepimeron is part of the mesopleuron. The mesepimeron is part of the pleuron.

Macroxyela ferruginea Say, 1824

Label usage (sensu)
mesepimeron by Miko, I. 2009. -2019 Curator. Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology.
mesepimerum by Snodgrass, R. 1910. The thorax of the Hymenoptera. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 39:37-91.
epimeron mesothoracale by Zombori, L., and H. Steinmann. 1999. Dictionary of Insect Morphology. Handbuch der Zoologie 4:1-404.
mesopostpleuron by Zombori, L., and H. Steinmann. 1999. Dictionary of Insect Morphology. Handbuch der Zoologie 4:1-404.
epimeron of mesopleuron by Snodgrass, R. E. 1942. The skeleto-muscular mechanisms of the honey bee. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 103:1-120.
Comments and tags
alternative definition added over 14 years ago by Istvan Miko
Posterodorsal portion of the mesopleuron, which is differentiated from the mesepisternum by the mesopleural suture.
  Reference: Gibson , G. A. P., J. D. Read , and R. Fairchild. 1998. Chalcid wasps (Chalcidoidea): illustrated glossary of positional and morphological terms ..
  Cross reference: None provided.

alternative definition added about 15 years ago by Istvan Miko
The posterior subdivision of the mesopleuron, usually small (sometimes almost absent) relative to the mesepisternum.
  Reference: Goulet, H., and J. T. Huber. 1993. Hymenoptera of the World: An Identification Guide to Families. Research Branch, Agriculture Canada Publication 1894/E., Ottawa, ON 668 pp.
  Cross reference: None provided.

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