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mx id: 4570 | OBO id: HAO:0000501 | URI: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/HAO_0000501
longitudinal vein
Defined (both definition and relationships must be met)
The anatomical cluster that is composed of abscissae extending along the long axis of the wing.
written by: Miko, I. 2009. -2019 Curator. Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology.

Relationships / properties:
The longitudinal vein is a anatomical cluster.
The longitudinal vein is part of the venation.

Label usage (sensu)
longitudinal vein by Sharkey, M.J. and R.A. Wharton 1997. Morphology and terminology. Pages 19-38. In: Wharton, R.A., P.M. Marsh, and M.J. Sharkey (Eds), Manual of the New World genera of Braconidae (Hymenoptera). Special Publication of the International Society of Hymenopterists. Vol. 1: 1-439 pp.
longitudinal vein by Miko, I. 2009. -2019 Curator. Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology.
Comments and tags
alternative definition added almost 15 years ago by Andy Deans
The wing vein that articulates proximally with a sclerite in the pteralia and extends apically towards the wing margin.
  Reference: Deans, A. R. 2009. HAO curator..
  Cross reference: None provided.

comment added about 11 years ago by Istvan Miko
All veins in Hymenoptera are longitudinal veins.
  Reference: Miko, I. 2009. -2019 Curator. Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology.
  Cross reference: None provided.

alternative definition added about 15 years ago by Istvan Miko
Veins that run primarily along the long axis of the wing.
  Reference: Sharkey, M.J. and R.A. Wharton 1997. Morphology and terminology. Pages 19-38. In: Wharton, R.A., P.M. Marsh, and M.J. Sharkey (Eds), Manual of the New World genera of Braconidae (Hymenoptera). Special Publication of the International Society of Hymenopterists. Vol. 1: 1-439 pp.
  Cross reference: None provided.

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