The distal gonostipo-parossiculal muscle is part of the metasoma.The distal gonostipo-parossiculal muscle is part of the multi-cellular organism.
When present, the distal gonostipo-parossiculal muscle is attached to the cuticle.When present, the distal gonostipo-parossiculal muscle is attached to the gonostipes.When present, the distal gonostipo-parossiculal muscle is attached to the gonostyle.When present, the distal gonostipo-parossiculal muscle is attached to the parossiculus.When present, the distal gonostipo-parossiculal muscle is attached to the volsella.
Label usage (sensu)
distal gonostipo-parossiculal muscle by Miko, I. 2009. -2019 Curator. Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology.
muscle o'' by Schulmeister, S. 2001. Male genitalia and copulation in Hymenoptera. Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 82:331-349.
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