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mx id: 3901 | OBO id: HAO:0000943 | URI: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/HAO_0000943
specialized adhesive spur
Defined (both definition and relationships must be met)
The spur that is located on the tibia and is adhesive.
written by: Deans, A. R. 2009. HAO curator..

Relationships / properties:
The specialized adhesive spur is a spur.
The specialized adhesive spur is part of the cuticle. The specialized adhesive spur is part of the sclerite. The specialized adhesive spur is part of the tibia.

Label usage (sensu)
specialized adhesive spur by Deans, A. R. 2009. HAO curator..
Comments and tags
review definition added about 15 years ago by Andy Deans
Probably should delete this. Couldn't any spur be specialized and adhesive?
  Reference: None provided.
  Cross reference: None provided.

comment added over 14 years ago by Matt Yoder
Is this part of the tibia or pretarsus? And does it need its own term or can this be a post-composition term?
  Reference: None provided.
  Cross reference: None provided.

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